learning disability checklist

Understanding and addressing specific learning disabilities (SLD) is a crucial aspect of providing effective education.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of the Specific Learning Disability Checklist, exploring its importance,

IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) criteria, and observation tools designed to empower teachers in identifying and supporting students with learning disabilities.

Unpacking the Specific Learning Disability Eligibility Checklist

Creating a comprehensive checklist for learning disability symptoms involves a wide range of potential indicators, as learning disabilities can manifest in various ways depending on the individual and the specific type of learning disability.

Here’s a basic checklist covering common symptoms across different types of learning disabilities.

Please note that this checklist is not a diagnostic tool and should not replace professional evaluation by a qualified healthcare provider or educational psychologist.

It’s intended to serve as a starting point for recognizing potential signs of learning disabilities:

Learning Disability Symptoms Checklist

General Signs:

  • Difficulty with reading, writing, or math skills
  • Challenges with understanding spoken language or expressing thoughts verbally
  • Trouble following directions or organizing tasks
  • Difficulty with time management or meeting deadlines
  • Inconsistent academic performance
  • Low self-esteem or lack of confidence related to learning tasks

Reading (Dyslexia) Symptoms:

  • Difficulty with phonemic awareness (identifying individual sounds in words)
  • Trouble decoding words (sounding out words)
  • Poor spelling skills
  • Slow reading rate
  • Reversing letters or numbers (such as confusing “b” with “d”)
  • Difficulty understanding the meaning of what is read

Writing (Dysgraphia) Symptoms:

Math (Dyscalculia) Symptoms:

  • Difficulty understanding basic math concepts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
  • Trouble with number sense and mathematical reasoning
  • Inability to memorize math facts (such as multiplication tables)
  • Challenges with understanding mathematical symbols and terminology
  • Difficulty with spatial awareness and recognizing patterns
  • Struggles with time-telling and understanding concepts related to time

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Symptoms:

  • Inattention (difficulty sustaining attention, making careless mistakes)
  • Hyperactivity (excessive fidgeting, restlessness)
  • Impulsivity (acting without thinking, interrupting others)
  • Trouble following instructions or completing tasks
  • Difficulty organizing tasks and materials
  • Forgetfulness and frequently losing items

Other Potential Signs:

  • Difficulty with memory recall or retention of information
  • Trouble with social skills and peer interactions
  • Sensory sensitivities (such as sensitivity to noise, light, or textures)
  • Emotional challenges related to frustration or anxiety about academic tasks

 If you recognize several of these symptoms in yourself or someone else, it’s essential to seek professional evaluation and support from a qualified healthcare provider or educational specialist.


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